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Pandemic, Year One

A year ago, we took our last random trip to Atlantic Beach in Florida. We had no idea that we would still not be traveling a year later....

Quarantine Dates

Being married means that every night is date night. In a pre-Covid world, that usually meant dinner out during my husband's work weeks,...

Scenes from a Quarantine

Well. Here we are. Most of the people I know are trying to do the right thing and stay home. It is truly the only way we can flatten that...

You Have a Little Something on Your Face

I am a big believer in pampering yourself. You can't always have a spa day, but with the multitude of face mask products out there, you...

Boxes Galore

I am a huge fan of subscription boxes. It is like a little gift to yourself every month, or a way to help with meal planning. Here are a...

The New New

I am always looking to try new things. Here are a few new-to-me experiences I have had over the past few months. Eyebrow Threading I...

Then and Now

The Doc graduated one year ago today from residency. Wait, what?! I am in utter disbelief. I told him this morning that this life it...

The Soundtrack of Our Life

No matter what I am doing, my brain always plays a song to go along with what is happening in my life. Sometimes that is annoying (I have...


I absolutely love going to the movies. P.S. (Pre-Spencer!) I would go to the show all the time by myself. Occasionally I could talk a...

Shoe Dilemma, An Ongoing Saga

I have had foot and leg problems for as long as I can remember. I am crazy pigeon-toed. This was a major source of embarrassment and led...

The Madness of March

I can't fully impart how much I love college basketball. I started watching NCAA hoops when I was in college. I was a Jordan-era Bulls...

So Much Ewwww...

I love to travel so much. I love visiting new places, experiencing other cultures, and seeing things I have never seen before. Travel...

Oscar Night

Oh man I love award shows. I love all of the dresses and the jewelry and nervously sitting through the speeches. I practice who I would...

Travel Tips

I have always wanted to travel and see new things. I was never a big fan of traveling solo (don't be disappointed in me, Brave Single...

A Few of My Favorite (Christmas) Things

Being a doctor's wife means that you will spend a crazy amount of time alone. That time will include some major holidays. I have spent...

Let Your Hair Down

I have notoriously bad hair. It is kind of my thing. I have woken up some mornings and thought, "I have actuaI crazy-person hair." It is...

What's For Lunch?

My mother in law recently offered me a cup of yogurt. I had an instant, visceral reaction. Ugh. No. Absolutely not. You see, I was an...


I love music too much. No matter what I am doing, I have a song in my head providing my own personal soundtrack to my life. I am also a...

A Simple Home for Two

Yes, I stole that line from Carrie Bradshaw. I still quote SATC at least once a week. That particular gem is from the beginning of the...

The Giving Heart

A giving heart is a happy heart. Probably the greatest lesson I learned from my Dad (besides “Don’t eat yellow snow”) is that you can’t...

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